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Kim Kardashian 'I'll Never Be One of Those Skinny Girls'

iTalkGossip May 18, 2010

Kim Kardashian shows off her voluptuous body on the cover of Shape mag for the month of June.

In the mag....

Kim Kardashian talks exclusively with Shape about the challenges she faces to keep her weight in check and her self-confidence up. When we met her in Miami, the 29-year-old radiated a fresh, natural beauty not often seen on her hit TV series, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, or on the covers of tabloids. Her strategies for being this way are so doable, we think everyone should try them!

"There's nothing better than getting up and going right to the gym."

Want to know how Kim Kardashian stays fit? No matter how busy she is, Kim knows the only way to manage her weight and stay toned is to get moving every day. "I have cellulite, just like almost every other woman on the planet. And just because I feel secure with my body doesn't mean I think cellulite is cute! It will always be an issue for me. So let's just say it's a work in progress!"

To stay slim and curvy and keep her cellulite under control, Kim does a combo of cardio and sculpting. A few days a week, she works out with Los Angeles trainer Gunnar Peterson. Want to get Kim Kardashian's body? Watch our exclusive video to get pointers straight from Gunnar on getting more from your workout.

"I finally said enough with the junk food!"

About a year ago, some tabloids published bikini photographs of Kim that were far from flattering. "Yeah, it bothered me initially, but I told myself that everyone, especially women with curves, has issues just like mine," she says. "But it did motivate me to finally drop those last 10 pounds." Besides stepping up her exercise routine, she made some major changes to her diet, like having a hearty breakfast. She's also eliminated old favorites, like cheese-smothered enchiladas and cheeseburgers with onion rings. "I wouldn't dare eat like that now," she says. "These days I prefer salads with grilled chicken or turkey burgers without the bun."

"I have curves and that's never going to change, so I'd better start embracing them."
As proud as she is of her curves these days, there was a time when Kim was insecure about her body. "I was only 10 when I started developing breasts," she recalls. "I remember crying in the bathtub. I took a washcloth, made it really hot, put it over my chest, and prayed, ‘Please don't let them grow any bigger! They're embarrassing me!'"

With the help of her mom, Kris Jenner (whom Kim calls her role model), and her stepdad, Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner, she learned to become more comfortable with her figure. Still, she had to deal with the fact that she didn't look like everyone else in her high school. "All my friends were super skinny, and that just wasn't my body type. But I watched my mom, who was always comfortable with herself, and she helped me with my outlook."

These days, Kim wants to maintain her sleek, curvy figure. Wish you could get Kim Kardashian's body? Check out Kim Kardashian's workout and find out how she tones up her trouble zones.

Pick up the June issue of Shape, on newsstands May 24.


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