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Is JONAS L.A.What the Disney Channel Needs!

iTalkGossip July 12, 2010 , , ,
JONAS L.A. is turning out to be a good season/show. They say it's the same as JONAS and it's supposed to be the second season to JONAS. I personally thinks it's a brand new show. The new name signifies it. JONAS L.A. We fans are not stupid.

I like the new show season. It reminds of the old Disney, before 2005. I missed the drama shows on Disney. 'So Weird', 'The Famous Jett Jackson' and others. I like the new format of the show. Where were these directors and producers for the first one?

The show isn't as dramatic as the shows I have mentioned. It still has its sense of humor from the first show season, JONAS. Some fans have complained about JONAS LA and how they gave it dramatic feel and less comedy. I don't agree with those fans. NOT ONE BIT!

I like the drama. I like that it has a dry sense of humor and is less comedic. I like how they made the show on the continuous side. It made me feel, almost, as if I was watching a funnier, very less dramatic version of 90210 (minus other things).

The Disney Channel needs shows like this and I hope that they will make more shows like this in the future. Younger fans won't like it, but the older fans will. You can't please one without disappointing the other. The Disney Channel needs to bring back the drama shows and the non-comedy shows, it would make their channel more family-friendly.

I'm a old schooler. as some would call it. Even though I am not that old. Apparently I am old to some kids. I am in my mid 20's. Disney Channel was supposed to be a family channel, not a kids and tweens channel. Yes the tween demographic is where it's at, but don't sellout your other demographics. DC has went downhill to me. The shows aren't even funny anymore and it seems they will put anything on their channel.

DC was always for the kids. In the morning they had kiddie shows and cartoon and then in the afternoon it was the tweens and teens, and then late at night it was the whole family or teens and young adults and adults and elderly. That was actually working for Disney, but then things had changed and it changed for the worse.

I remember being in high school and I was fine with telling people I watched the Disney Channel. Now not so much, though the only shows I watch is Wizards of Waverly Place and now JONAS LA. I'm not the only who is not too happy with telling people I like DC. Some don't even tell at all. It's almost embarrassing to say so. Disney Channel has become a joke and not in a good way. Not too many people want to be associated with this channel and people don't even take the actors serious. Nick and TeenNick is taking over and that is sad, because DC back then was the ish.

Yes. Change is good, but sometimes too much change or a drastic change, isn't.

Back to the point of my post. JONAS LA is what the Disney Channel needs, at the moment. It's not the best show on Disney, but the format of it is what DC needs. JONAS L.A. needs to be promoted like crazy by the Disney and the Jonas Brothers Camp. This show can help Disney bring back it teen demographic. If Disney made more shows like this, some with more drama and some with less. I think this would put Disney back on the map of being "taken serious"!

That is just my opinion.

Thanks to technical.indifferences for lending the blog!


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